
Thursday May 14, 2020
171 The Covid Chronicles - Randy Wong
Thursday May 14, 2020
Thursday May 14, 2020
On this installment of the Covid Chronicles we chat with Randy Wong! Randy is the Co-founder, Band Leader and Music Director of the modern exotica band, Waitiki! On this episode, we briefly touch on the current state of affairs on the Hawaiian islands regarding the covid pandemic however, for the bulk of our chat we talk about his and his band members roots in Exotica music. Learn about Waitiki's newest projects and find out how they, as professional musicians, have been persevering artistically through this pandemic!
On the Web: waitiki.bandcamp.com
Social Media: @waitiki
YouTube Channel: TheWAITIKI7
As always, I hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did bringing it to you. If you enjoy this podcast, please consider helping us with your support during this challenging time. Stop by DesertOasisRoom.com to check out our merch or leave us a tip. We've got tiki mugs, t-shirts and pendants available right now! Any purchase or donation, no matter the size, is totally appreciated and helps keep this podcast coming to you every week!

Friday May 01, 2020
170 The Covid Chronicles - Josh Hermsmeier
Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
On this installment of the Covid Chronicles we chat with Josh Hermsmeier! Josh hails from San Diego, California and if you're an active member in the tiki community and local to Southern California you'll probably know him best as drummer for Jason Lee and RIP-tides. In March of 2020, Josh and his immediate family were positively diagnosed as having been infected with the Covid-19 virus. On this special episode, Josh shares what this emotional and very personal experience was like for him and his family, what his thoughts are about continued quarantining, isolation, social distancing and what happens now as a recovering Covid-19 survivor!
As always, I hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did bringing it to you. If you enjoy this podcast, please consider helping us with your support during this challenging time. Stop by DesertOasisRoom.com to check out our merch or leave us a tip. We've got tiki mugs, t-shirts and pendants available right now! Any purchase or donation, no matter the size, is totally appreciated and helps keep this podcast coming to you every week!

Monday Apr 27, 2020
169 The Covid Chronicles - Jim "Hurricane" Hayward
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
On this installment of the Covid Chronicles we chat with writer and rum aficionado of The Atomic Grog, Jim "Hurricane" Hayward! We recorded this episode just a little over a week ago before some beaches were re-opened in Florida and before The Hukilau had announced the way they were adapting to this year's changes of their annual event. It's crazy how much and how quickly things change in the world we live in these days! We still have a great chat though about cocktails, tiki and of course, the Mai Kai and their Gallons To-Go program in which local residents are able to purchase pre-made Molokai Bar level cocktails to enjoy in their own homes!
On the web: www.atomicgrog.com www.theatomicgrog.com
Social Media: @theatomicgrog
As always, I hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did bringing it to you. If you enjoy this podcast, please consider helping us with your support during this challenging time. Stop by DesertOasisRoom.com to check out our merch or leave us a tip. We've still got a small handful of Monkeypod Ku tiki mugs and Talking Head tiki pendants available right now! Any purchase or donation, no matter the size, is totally appreciated and helps keep this show on the air!

Monday Apr 20, 2020
168 The Covid Chronicles - The Volcanics
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Monday Apr 20, 2020
On this installment of the Covid Chronicles we chat with surf music impressarios, The Volcanics! Frankie, Ben and Jarrod join us to discuss the process of writing and recording their newly released EP "Freakout!" We also chat about how the virus and its resulting quarantine has affected their shows and what it's like to release and promote a new EP during a world wide pandemic!
On the web: www.thevolcanics.com
Social Media: @thevolcanics
As always, I hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did bringing it to you. If you enjoy this podcast, please consider helping us with your support during this challenging time. Stop by DesertOasisRoom.com to check out our merch or leave us a tip. Any purchase or donation, no matter the size, is totally appreciated and helps keep this show on the air!

Thursday Apr 16, 2020
167 The Covid Chronicles - Keir Whitcher
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
On this episode of the Covid Chronicles we chat with mid-century, tiki and classic car enthusiast Keir Whitcher! Keir hails from the land down under, just outside of Melbourne, Australia. We talk about how the corona virus has found it's way to his part of the world and how they're doing their part to flatten the curve and even explore a little bit about what the tiki scene is like in his part of Australia!
As always, I hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did bringing it to you. If you enjoy this podcast, please consider helping us with your support during this challenging time. Stop by DesertOasisRoom.com to check out our merch or leave us a tip. Any purchase or donation, no matter the size, is totally appreciated and helps keep this show on the air!
This episode is sponsored by Tanduay Rum, Tiki Bar T-Shirt Club, Tonga Hut, Steadfast Pomade and Tiki-Ti. Stop by their FB and IG pages and give them a like!

Thursday Apr 09, 2020
166 The Covid Chronicles - Rina Bambina
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
On this installment of the Covid Chronicles we chat with pinup, model and doctor! Rina Bambina! Rina recently traveled to California and within about a day of her arrival, Los Angeles was put on limited lockdown and all bars, restaurants, public gatherings and other similar places of business or events were shut down or restricted to take out service only. Rina chats about this experience and the challenge she faced working her way back home to Germany and as a doctor of psychiatry, offers tips to those who might be struggling with this crisis.
On the web: www.rina-bambina.com
Social Media: @bambina_rina @drkatharinastenger
As always, I hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did bringing it to you. If you enjoy this podcast, please consider helping us with your support during this challenging time. Stop by DesertOasisRoom.com to check out our merch or leave us a tip. Any purchase or donation, no matter the size, is totally appreciated and helps keep this show on the air!
This episode is sponsored by Tanduay Rum, Tiki Bar T-Shirt Club, Tonga Hut, Steadfast Pomade and Tiki-Ti. Stop by their FB and IG pages and give them a like!

Thursday Apr 02, 2020
165 The Covid Chronicles - Jason Lee
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
On this edition of the Covid Chronicles we chat with musician, composer and industry professional, Jason Lee of Jason Lee and the RIP-tides! Jason chats with us about how he's adjusted to the new reality we are all experiencing and how the corona virus has affected the live music scene and his industry as a whole!
On the web: www.jasonleeguitar.com
Social Media: @tikiguitarplayer @jasonleeandtheriptides
As always, I hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did bringing it to you. If you enjoy this podcast, please consider helping us with your support during this challenging time. Stop by DesertOasisRoom.com to check out our merch or leave us a tip. Any purchase or donation, no matter the size, is totally appreciated and helps keep this show on the air!
This episode is sponsored by Tanduay Rum, Tiki Bar T-Shirt Club, Tonga Hut, Steadfast Pomade and Tiki-Ti. Stop by their FB and IG pages and give them a like!

Friday Mar 27, 2020
164 The Covid Chronicles - Medusirena Marina and Kari Hendler
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
On our third installment of the Covid Chronicles we chat with Kari Hendler along with Marina the fire eating mermaid! This episode was recorded exactly one week ago today and it's amazing how much things have changed since then. Between then and now, beaches in both California and Florida have since been closed and some of our favorite tiki centric events have since been rescheduled. We have a fun and spirited chat about what's happening on both coasts and what we've challenged ourselves with our new found time during this quarantine!
As always, I hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did bringing it to you. If you enjoy this podcast, please consider helping us with your support during this challenging time. Stop by DesertOasisRoom.com to check out our merch or leave us a tip. Any purchase or donation, no matter the size, is totally appreciated and helps keep this show on the air!
This episode is sponsored by Tanduay Rum, Tiki Bar T-Shirt Club, Tonga Hut, Steadfast Pomade and Tiki-Ti. Stop by their FB and IG pages and give them a like!

Monday Mar 23, 2020
163 The Covid Chronicles - Ross "Tiki Boss" Aliotti
Monday Mar 23, 2020
Monday Mar 23, 2020
On this second episode of the Covid Chronicles we chat with Ross the "Tiki Boss" Aliotti! Ross recently returned from a visit to the Hawaiian Islands. While most of our lives were normal as he boarded the plane, things quickly turned south right after he left for the islands and when his vacation was over he returned to a very different world. We chat about how quickly things changed on the mainland during his short time away and what his island experience was like as the Covid-19 pandemic became more serious during his trip!
As always, I hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did bringing it to you. If you enjoy this podcast, please consider helping us with your support during this challenging time. Stop by DesertOasisRoom.com to check out our merch or leave us a tip. Any purchase or donation, no matter the size, is totally appreciated and helps keep this show on the air!
This episode is sponsored by Tanduay Rum, Tiki Bar T-Shirt Club, Tonga Hut, Steadfast Pomade and Tiki-Ti. Stop by their FB and IG pages and give them a like!

Thursday Mar 19, 2020
162 The Covid Chronicles - Deejay Clulow and Chanel Herren
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Today we start a new series of episodes we are calling The Covid Chronicles! At the moment I'm not really sure how many of these episodes we'll be recording but as long as social distancing is being practiced to slow down the spread of Covid-19 we'll be interviewing our guests by phone from inside the Desert Oasis Room. On this episode we chat with Deejay Clulow and Chanel Herren. Deejay and Chanel relocated somewhat recently from Las Vegas, Nevada to Pacifica, California and so we are able to get their perspective as both Nevadians and Californians as we discuss this weird time we are all going through with quarantining, self isolation and social distancing!
As always, I hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did bringing it to you. If you enjoy this podcast, please consider helping us with your support during this challenging time. Stop by DesertOasisRoom.com to check out our merch or leave us a tip. Any purchase or donation, no matter the size, is totally appreciated and helps keep this show on the air!
This episode is sponsored by Tanduay Rum, Tiki Bar T-Shirt Club, Tonga Hut, Steadfast Pomade and Tiki-Ti. Stop by their FB and IG pages and give them a like!

Thursday Mar 12, 2020
161 Squeezed Up Throwback Thursday
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
On this special Throwback Thursday edition, we revisit our session with the crew from the newly released documentary, Squeezed Up! Join us inside the Desert Oasis Room as we chat with the director, Dirk Behlau, executive producer, Stefan Immke and the rest of their crew also known as "The Wild Bunch", including Shane Bagnall, Andy Schmidt, Thorsten Leisenberg and Matze Heiden. The episode you are about to hear is the some of the same footage you'll see in the film and if you like tiki, hot rods, lowbrow art or kustom kulture, this film is a feast for your eyes! You're going to enjoy seeing many of our friends featured there including Jason Lee, the Hula Girls, McBiff Art, Tiki Tony, Michael Grider, Mimi Le Meaux, Matt "Tikiman" Willis and much, much more! This episode was recorded back in October 2018 on the podcast's 2-year anniversary during the filming of this documentary, which is available now!
On the Web: www.squeezed-up.com
Social Media: @squeezedupmovie
This episode is sponsored by Tanduay Rum, Tiki Bar T-Shirt Club, Tonga Hut, Steadfast Pomade and Tiki-Ti. Stop by their FB and IG pages and give them a like!

Monday Feb 24, 2020
160 Kirrah Amosa
Monday Feb 24, 2020
Monday Feb 24, 2020
Today we are joined by singer and songwriter, Kirrah Amosa! Kirrah recently relocated to Los Angeles, California from Canberra, Australia and is the latest addition to the Island Block Radio family. We chat about her songwriting process, musical influences and are treated to a very special acoustic performance of her latest single, "Island Way" available at all media outlets beginning on February 28th!
On the Web: www.kirrahamosa.au
Social Media: @kirrahamosa
This episode is sponsored by Tanduay Rum, Tiki Bar T-Shirt Club, Tonga Hut, Steadfast Pomade and Tiki-Ti. Stop by their FB and IG pages and give them a like!

Sunday Feb 16, 2020
32 Mike Buhen Jr & Sr of Tiki-Ti
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
On this episode we speak with Mike & Mike, Jr & Sr, owners of the legendary Tiki-Ti in Los Angeles, California. I first started going to Tiki-Ti somewhere around 1995 or so. It was a great place to grab a strong and tasty tropical drink on my way out to a night of "clubbing" in Hollywood. Back then Ray Buhen was still bartending, the mixology legend who opened it back in 1961. Ray was one of the original bartenders at Don the Beachcomber, documented as the very first tiki bar opening in 1934 just after prohibition was lifted in the US, which was largely credited for creating many popular tropical cocktails. After getting his start there, he found his way to such notable locations as the 7 Seas, the Luau, Christian's Hut, the Palms, the Dresden and many more eventually settling at his own bar, the Tiki-Ti. Today the Tiki-Ti is run by his son and grandson, Mike Buhen Jr & Sr, who we talk to in this episode.
This episode is sponsored by Tanduay Rum, the world's largest rum producer and winner of over 170 international medals in the past 4 decades. Check out their webpage at tanduayUSA.com or follow them on Facebook or Instagram @TanduayUSA.

Sunday Feb 16, 2020
20 Leroy Schmaltz & Bob Van Oosting of Oceanic Arts
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
On this episode of Inside the Desert Oasis Room I make a field trip to Oceanic Arts in Whittier, California and chat with the founders and living legends Leroy Schmaltz and Bob Van Oosting. They share many never-before-heard stories related to creating, building and influencing the South Seas aesthetic during the Polynesian Pop era and beyond. It was such an honor, pleasure and treat to get a sneak peek and walk-thru of their massive, private collection; soon to be compiled for a book!

Sunday Feb 16, 2020
31 Jordan T from House of Blues Anaheim
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
I've been a big fan of Jordan T since his first hit single "Sunset Tonight" on Island Radio back in 2014 and started following him on Instagram and eventually became Facebook friends with him. Over the years, I saw several of his shows here on the mainland, which eventually lead up to this day. I reached out to him for an interview and he graciously opened up some time for me and we recorded this from his green room at the House of Blues in Anaheim. Jordan was gracious, friendly and accommodating and I really enjoyed hanging out with him.
He recently released a new single entitled, "Bridges with the Vibes" which can be found on iTunes here: https://itunes.apple.com/album/id1229778595
For more of his great music stop by JordanTmusic.com and be sure to follow him on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or Twitter: @jordantmusic Lastly, he'll be playing another show with Sammy J at The Roxy in Hollywood, California this coming Saturday, May 13th. Come down and check it out -- I'll be there too!
This episode is sponsored in part by Tanduay Rum, the world's largest rum producer and winner of over 170 international medals in the past 4 decades. Check out their webpage at tanduayUS.com or follow them on Facebook or Instagram @TanduayUSA.

Friday Feb 14, 2020
159 "Q" from Island Block Radio
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Today we are joined by my friend "Q", Producer and On Air Personality for Island Block Radio and Island Block TV. Q talks to us about how he got his start in radio, his thoughts on the future of radio, island music, guilty pleasures, bucket lists and much, much more!
To listen to Island Block Radio, click here:
To follow Island Block Radio on social media @islandblockradio here:
Outro Music: "The Wrong Time" by Silent Partner
This episode is sponsored by Tanduay Rum, Tiki Bar T-Shirt Club, Tonga Hut, Steadfast Pomade and Tiki-Ti. Stop by their FB and IG pages and give them a like!

Friday Feb 14, 2020
158 John Philbin Returns
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Today we welcome John Philbin back to the podcast! You might know John from his various movie characters over the past 3 decades including Turtle in North Shore, Nathaniel in Point Break, Tom McLaury in Tombstone, Chuck in Return of the Living Dead, Amos in Children of the Corn and more! On this episode we chat about what's happened in his life since our last chat along with his current film projects including "White Wolves", "Ghost Babe" and "Undateable John" now playing on Amazon Prime!
To watch Undateable John on Amazon Prime, click here:
To listen to the last time John was on the podcast, click here:
This episode is sponsored by Tanduay Rum, Tiki Bar T-Shirt Club, Tonga Hut, Steadfast Pomade and Tiki-Ti. Stop by their FB and IG pages and give them a like!

Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
157 Devon Devereaux
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Join us as we chat with artist Devon Devereaux on how he got his start in the world of pop surrealism, his influences, his creative process and what's in store for 2020!
Check out his websites at http://www.devondevereaux.com or http://www.creepytiki.com Get his stuff at Hot Topic! https://www.hottopic.com/creators/artist/devon-devereaux
This episode is sponsored by Tanduay Rum, Tiki Bar T-Shirt Club, Tonga Hut, Steadfast Pomade and Tiki-Ti. Stop by their FB and IG pages and give them a like!

Friday Jan 17, 2020
156 Hanford Lemoore and 20 Years of Tiki Central
Friday Jan 17, 2020
Friday Jan 17, 2020
On this episode we celebrate 20 years of Tiki Central! Join us at the Tonga Hut in North Hollwood, California and listen in on the festivities along with stories by Tiki Central members new and old, all followed by an exclusive chat with founder Hanford Lemoore!
Check out Tiki Central at www.tikicentral.com
This episode is sponsored by Tanduay Rum, Tiki Bar T-Shirt Club, Tonga Hut, Steadfast Pomade and Tiki-Ti. Stop by their FB and IG pages and give them a like!

Sunday Dec 29, 2019
154 The Holiday Episode 2019
Sunday Dec 29, 2019
Sunday Dec 29, 2019
On this episode we have our friends share a fun or memorable Christmas or New Years Eve story. For this last episode of 2019, we'd like to thank our sponsors Tanduay Rum, Tiki Bar T-shirt Club, Tonga Hut, Tiki-Ti and Steadfast Pomade for their continued support as well as all of our listeners who tune in every week. Thank you all for making Inside the Desert Oasis Room possible!

Friday Dec 20, 2019
153 San Francisco Tiki Bar Review
Friday Dec 20, 2019
Friday Dec 20, 2019
On this episode I road trip up to the San Francisco bay with our friend Boris Hamilton. We visit and review our experiences at R&G Lounge, Pagan Idol, Zombie Village, The Buena Vista, Scoma's, California Gold, Marin Joe's and Bon Voyage. Special thanks to Buz Deadwax for hosting our stay at the Alta Vista Tiki Room, the giant morning lattes and the bottomless Buz Tais!
This episode is sponsored by Tanduay Rum, Tiki Bar T-Shirt Club, Tonga Hut, Steadfast Pomade and Tiki-Ti. Stop by their FB and IG pages and give them a like!

Monday Dec 09, 2019
152 Kiddie Cocktails with Stuart Sadler
Monday Dec 09, 2019
Monday Dec 09, 2019
For this holiday season, we thought it would be fun to flashback to Tiki Oasis 2019 and listen in on Stuart Sandler's symposium entitled Kiddie Cocktails. Stuart is a font designer and publisher, graphic designer and author of the book, Kiddie Cocktails. Hear Stuart's story and learn about the difference between kiddie cocktails and mocktails, how to set up your own kiddie cocktail bar and more! There's a little cameo with Derek Yaniger in there too!
Get the Kiddie Cocktails book by Stuart Sadler here:
This episode is sponsored by Tanduay Rum, Tiki Bar T-Shirt Club, Tonga Hut, Steadfast Pomade and Tiki-Ti. Stop by their FB and IG pages and give them a like!

Friday Nov 29, 2019
151 Mai Tai Mafia
Friday Nov 29, 2019
Friday Nov 29, 2019
This episode is part 2 of our visit to the 2nd Annual OCUSBG Tiki Night at Tiki Farm! On this episode we are joined by the Mai Tai Mafia and listen in on their club presentation of what makes up this fun and unique collaboration with Nathan Hazard from Real McCoy Rum, Alexandre Chaigne from Combier USA and Joe Carlin from Liquid Alchemist!
This episode is sponsored by Tanduay Rum, Tiki Bar T-Shirt Club, Tonga Hut, Steadfast Pomade and Tiki-Ti. Stop by their FB and IG pages and give them a like!

Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
150 2nd Annual OCUSBG TIki Night at Tiki Farm
Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Today we record live from the 2nd Annual Orange County United States Bartenders Guild's Tiki Meeting hosted by Tiki Farm, the world's largest manufacturer of tiki mugs and chat with our friend Benny, the OCUSBG founder and president along with Holden Westland, founder and president of Tiki Farm. Also joining us on this episode are skippers Cristian Diaz, Roy Hanzal and Ash Nalbadayan from Trader Sam's followed by the Mai Tai Mafia; Nathan Hazard from Real McCoy Rum, Alexandre Chaigne from Combier USA and Joe Carlin from Liquid Alchemist!
This episode is sponsored by Tanduay Rum, Tiki Bar T-Shirt Club, Tonga Hut, Steadfast Pomade and Tiki-Ti. Stop by their FB and IG pages and give them a like!

Monday Nov 04, 2019
149 Jerry Berta (the Rainbow Professor) and Mike Souriolle (Gecko)
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Today we go into Max's South Seas Hideway's private ceramics studio to chat with their in-house sculptor, artist and ceramicist, Jerry Berta to learn about their kiln to table concept in which all tiki mugs, volcano bowls, pupu platters and more are custom made in house for Max's South Seas Hideaway. Also joining us for this episode is our old friend Gecko from South Sea Arts of Hawaii for a historic event - the first pouring, molding and pressing of his Ward Warehouse tiki mugs, the first artist made house mug for Max's, the probable first proper tiki bar to ever exist in Grand Rapids, Michigan!
This episode is sponsored by Tanduay Rum, Tiki Bar T-Shirt Club, Tonga Hut, Steadfast Pomade and Tiki-Ti. Stop by their FB and IG pages and give them a like!

Friday Oct 25, 2019
148 Max's South Seas Hideaway with Mark Sellers & Martin Cate
Friday Oct 25, 2019
Friday Oct 25, 2019
Today we chat with Mark Sellers and Martin Cate to learn all about Max's South Seas Hideaway. Max's is unlike any Tiki or Polynesian bar or restaurant that's opened in the last 5 decades. It harkens back to the days when a Polynesian bar or restaurant was a grand space, similar to the Polynesian palaces of yesteryear like the Kahiki, the Mai Kai or the Kona Kai. Hear about what it took to bring this venture to life and what the future holds for this spectacular space!
For more information or reservations go to http://www.maxstiki.com
This episode is sponsored by Tanduay Rum, Tiki Bar T-Shirt Club, Tonga Hut, Steadfast Pomade and Tiki-Ti. Stop by their FB and IG pages and give them a like!

Monday Oct 14, 2019
147 Hale (@listentohale)
Monday Oct 14, 2019
Monday Oct 14, 2019
Today we chat with musical artist Hale! also known as singer, songwriter and guitarist, Peter Cruz. The last time I chatted with Peter was when he was lead guitarist for island reggae band, Tribal Theory. We recorded this episode on the release of his new solo debut single "Feel That" and sit down for a candid chat about his creative growth, how it has changed and fueled his musical career, and what's in store for the future of Hale Music.
New single "Feel That" available at all digital outlets! For more information: www.listentohale.com
Social Media: @listentohale
This episode is sponsored by Tanduay Rum, Tiki Bar T-Shirt Club, Tonga Hut, Steadfast Pomade and Tiki-Ti. Stop by their FB and IG pages and give them a like!

Friday Oct 04, 2019
146 Frank Bui
Friday Oct 04, 2019
Friday Oct 04, 2019
On this episode we chat with Frank Bui! I first met Frank at the inaugural Mahalo Monday monthly tiki night at the prohibition era themed speakeasy, the Blind Rabbit, hidden in the bowels of the Anaheim Packing House. Hear his story of how he went from a decade long career in designing product packaging to becoming one of Orange County's premiere craft cocktail bartenders!
This episode is sponsored by Tanduay Rum, Tiki Bar T-Shirt Club, Tonga Hut, Steadfast Pomade and Tiki-Ti. Stop by their FB and IG pages and give them a like!

Monday Sep 23, 2019
145 Frogtown Brewery
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Today we sit down with the crew from Frogtown Brewery and chat with their brewers and beertenders about their new Tiki Series of specialty beers and how they are being developed! Learn about the process behind their popular tiki inspired Painkiller Milkshake IPA and hear a sneak peek of some of exciting upcoming collaborations!
On the Web: www.frogtownbrewery.com
Social Media: @frogtownbeer
This episode is sponsored by Tanduay Rum, Tiki Bar T-Shirt Club, Tonga Hut, Steadfast Pomade and Tiki-Ti. Stop by their FB and IG pages and give them a like!

Friday Sep 13, 2019
144 Xavier Junqueras of Viva Tiki
Friday Sep 13, 2019
Friday Sep 13, 2019
Xavier is one of the producers and partners of a new documentary currently in the works, coming out of Barcelona, Spain called Viva Tiki. This documentary explores the stories and history behind the tiki movement in Spain, who the players were, how it got started, the mugs, the cocktails and more!
On the Web: www.facebook.com/viva.tiki
Social Media: @viva.tiki
This episode is sponsored by Tiki Bar T-Shirt Club, Tonga Hut, Steadfast Pomade and Tiki-Ti. Stop by their FB and IG pages and give them a like!

Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
143 Matt Pietrek
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Matt Pietrek is the rum and cocktail enthusiast, author and personality behind the popular spirits blog, Cocktail Wonk. He joins the podcast to chat about his new book, Minimalist Tiki. Learn about the concept behind Minimalist Tiki and hear the story of his journey from full time tech writer to full time rum writer!
On the Web: www.cocktailwonk.com
Social Media: @cocktailwonk
This episode is sponsored by Tanduay Rum, Tiki Bar T-Shirt Club, Tonga Hut, Steadfast Pomade and Tiki-Ti. Stop by their FB and IG pages and give them a like!

Thursday Aug 15, 2019
142 Matthew Locey
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Matthew Locey was born in Hilo on the big island of Hawaii and lived most of his life in Kaneohe, Oahu. Hear stories from his decades long career in television and film from projects he's worked on including Magnum PI, Baywatch Hawaii, Hawaii 5-0 and most recently, South Seas Cinema. With his masters degree in Polynesian studies we also chat about the sensitive topic of cultural appropriation as well as hear his stories about what life was like growing up on the islands!
For more information on South Seas Cinema: www.southseascinema.org
This episode is sponsored by Tanduay Rum, Tiki Bar T-Shirt Club, Tonga Hut, Steadfast Pomade and Tiki-Ti. Stop by their FB and IG pages and give them a like!

Monday Aug 05, 2019
141 Ixtahuele
Monday Aug 05, 2019
Monday Aug 05, 2019
Ixtahuele is a premiere exotica band from Sweden comprised of musicians that are formally trained instrumentalists in classical and jazz music genres. Today we chat with members Mattias, Johan, Wictor and Henrik about their musical backgrounds, what it's like to perform Exotica music in Sweden and learn about their latest project, the Dharmaland Sessions with special guest Brian Chidester, co-director of the upcoming documentary, "As the Wind" a biography of exotica performer Eden Ahbez.
For more information on Ixtahuele:
Website: www.ixtahuele.com
Social Media: @ixtahuele
For more information on the Dharmaland Sessions:
This episode is sponsored by Tanduay Rum, Tiki Bar T-Shirt Club, Tonga Hut, Steadfast Pomade and Tiki-Ti. Stop by their FB and IG pages and give them a like!

Thursday Jul 25, 2019
140 Tiki Art & Polynesian Pop in American Culture from Comic Con 2019
Thursday Jul 25, 2019
Thursday Jul 25, 2019
On this episode we podcast live from San Diego Comic-Con 2019 and bring to you the "Tiki Art & Polynesian Pop in American Culture" panel, moderated by James Wasser. I was privileged to not only document but also participate in this panel along with other luminaries in the current tiki movement, including artists Josh "Shag" Agle, Bosko Hrnjak, Tom "Big Toe" Laura, Suzy "AtomiKitty" Mosher, Devon Devereaux, author Martin S. Lindsay and mug makers Brandon Giraldez & Holden Westland. We chat about each panelists respective contributions, observations and personal perspectives in the modern day tiki movement from the largest Comic, Art and Pop Culture convention in the world, the San Diego Comic-Con!
This episode is sponsored by Tanduay Rum, Tiki Bar T-Shirt Club, Tonga Hut, Steadfast Pomade and Tiki-Ti. Stop by their FB and IG pages and give them a like!

Monday Jul 15, 2019
139 The Volcanics
Monday Jul 15, 2019
Monday Jul 15, 2019
On this episode we podcast live from the Painkiller IPA Tiki Party at Frogtown Brewery and joining us is legendary LA surf music band, The Volcanics! We chat about their origins, musical influences, guilty pleasures and more!
Check out their webpage and get their new CD here: http://www.thevolcanics.com
Social Media: @thevolcanics
This episode is sponsored by Tanduay Rum, Quiet Village Exotic Tiki Bazaar, Tiki Bar T-Shirt Club, Tonga Hut, Steadfast Pomade and Tiki-Ti. Stop by their FB and IG pages and give them a like!

Friday Jul 05, 2019
138 Rums of the Mai-Kai Symposium
Friday Jul 05, 2019
Friday Jul 05, 2019
Today we go into the Mai Kai's main dining room to join Jim "Hurricane" Hayward and special guest Matt Pietrek for their "Rums of the Mai-Kai" symposium direct from The Hukilau! Go on a virtual journey to the Caribbean to learn about the key rums and styles that have dominated The Mai-Kai’s acclaimed cocktails for more than 60 years!
This episode is sponsored by Tanduay Rum, Tiki Bar T-Shirt Club, Tonga Hut, Steadfast Pomade and Tiki-Ti. Stop by their FB and IG pages and give them a like!